blessings, (More to others)

Hannah More to Marianne Sykes Thornton, April 5th 1809

I write a few lines to thank you for your kind solicitude about me, when you yourself were probably suffering so much more. Mrs. R. T. confirms the account of your very oppressive cold, Which I hope /will be removd by/ the blessing of God on this fine change in the weather, for it is now raining green pease and goosebery Tarts: and our grass, which on Sunday was as brown as a Mat is now as green as an Emerald. I thank God my fever has given way and I am again much better, tho I had an ague fit the night before last, as I generally have on every change of weather. I heartily rejoyce at the improvd account of Mr. T. Lady Waldegrave who spent a long day here Yesterday (which prevented my writing) thinks he looks tolerably. In addition to her heavy sorrows,2 she is now involv’d in two or three /law/ suits which are this moment trying at Our Assizes, and in which, as her Antagonist (her late Steward) a friend of Mr. Bere’s3 a deep designing Man has made a party against her, I fear she will be cast. Every thing however which relates to money is a trifle compared with her other causes of sorrow.4

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 23 June [1819]

I think your three Rules for your London residence were framed with great wisdom, and observed with great fidelity. Health as well as higher things have been promoted by this measure I hear there are many Candidates for the favour of your dearest daughter. May Divine Providence direct her in her selection! It is an object of unspeakable importance not only to herself but to many. We must pray that she may be rightly guided, and I know she prays for herself. I wish the opportunity could occur for discussing some of those points which are too delicate for any thing but personal communication. She is so superior to others in /all/ the good points, even among the best; so superior in the cultivation of her mind as well as her principles, to the foremost, that she has a higher standard to act up /to/ and I trust a higher destination to fill. At the same time her attractions of a worldly and popular kind, makes her situation require all the prudence and discrimination and piety of her wise and tender Mother. Her example will be looked up to, and the conduct of many may be determined by hers. I confidently trust her high tone will never be lowered to theirs; but that by her influence she may lead theirs to be raised to hers.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, November 30 1812

I would sympathize with you on the rough treatment you experienced from the Calomel* but I believe the preparation was judicious. May God give his blessing to the Water!

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, December 10 1812

May God bless you my dearest Madam! may his holy Spirit guide, direct and sanctify all your actions to his glory and your own eternal happiness is the cordial prayer of dear
Lady Olivia Your faithful
and obliged H More

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, December 29 1812

Adieu my dearest Lady Olivia – May you and yours experience all the blessings and consolations (which I trow are as good as the compliments) of this hallowed and gracious Season. May God bless you and your dear children and carry you thro’ the important work of their education to their own eternal benefit, and his glory! – Most faithfully and affectionately
H More

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, January 1813

I commend you my dear Lady Olivia to the protection and blessing of Him* whose you are and whom you serve. May he smooth your path thro' this rugged world as much as is consistent with the security of your eternal pr[os]pects! [tear] May your dear children be comforts to you here, and your crown of rejoycing hereafter is the fervent and frequent prayer of dearest Madam

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, January 7 1813

I inclose this to our excellent friend at [ Ivar]. It will I hope make one among the many greetings you will meet on your arrival in town. May it please God to conduct you /while/ there, by his holy spirit, to remove your difficulties and to strengthen /you/ , and not only to bless you in yourself, but to make you a blessing to others. My poor prayers shall be presented for you and your dear Children. -

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, August 1814

Tho this sickness has separated me from my Apostle, I shall conclude in his words by recommending you and yours to God and the word of his Grace. I am with true affection ever my dearest Lady O –
faithfully yours HM

Hannah More to Marianne Sykes Thornton, 21 January 1815

How can I write to you or how can I forbear to write? I have however postponed it, well knowing that you want no such consolations as I can suggest . My sincere sympathy and my fervent prayers are all I have to offer you. My grief is softened by the knowledge of many merciful circumstances; one is that you are surrounded by so many enlightened and truly Christian friends; another and the principal one, is the cheering report they all give of the deeply submissive and resigned spirit with which you bow to this most trying dispensation. In the midst of my sorrow I bless God that he has enabled you to give this evidence of your faith in him, and of the truth of Christianity itself, which can afford such supports under such trials. Still my dear friend, allow me to say I fear for you – I do not fear that your resignation will diminish, or your fortitude forsake you – I trust that the same divine grace will continue to support your soul; but I fear for your body, I fear that the very elevation of your feelings will be obtained, at the price of your health sinking under your Efforts . I am afraid you will think me but a worldly counsellor when I say, I wish you not too much to restrain your tears, or to labour to suppress emotions which Nature dictates and which grace does not forbid. Your life is now of increased importance, your value to your dear children is doubled. The duties of two parents instead of one are now devolved upon you. I know these sort of arguments are frequently made use of to stop the signs and outward expressions of grief, but I know the make of your mind so well that I employ them with a view to induce you not to put a /too/ violent restraint on your natural sensibilities fearing the pent up sorrow may prey more inwardly on the heart and the health.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, January 16 1815

Tho I have nothing /to say,/ and am not well enough to say it if I had, I cannot forbear writing a line to unite in sympathy with you, on the, I fear hopeless, state of our dear invaluable Henry Thornton *, a letter from Mr. Wilberforce * and another from the Macaulays last night, leaves us little or nothing to hope. Oh! what a chasm will his death make in the world! It will not only be irreparable to his broken hearted wife , and poor children*, but to multitudes of the poor and the pious. May God comfort us all, especially his own family, and sanctify to us this heavy loss, by quickening us in our preparation for our own great change! For my own part, my hopes have been long very faint, tho in opposition to the declaration of his eminent Medical Attendants* I shall always think / entre nous/ that corroding grief for his unfortunate brother preyed on his vitals, and laid his weak constitution open to any disease which might attack it: I dread that every post may bring us the final issue of this long disease !

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, February 17 1815

Patty who is poorly desires her affectionate respects . – My kindest regards to your fair companion , never forgetting Mr. Obins , of whom I rejoyce to hear such good report. May he go on unto perfection.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, February 22 1815

I wish he may be brought to love reading. I have invited them to come when they please, and hope I shall be better, and of course not so dull. – He is a fine elegant youth. May God bless him! When you write to H. do not mention any of the particulars I have named, as it might make him shy in his communications, and I should not like to seem to take upon me; but I will lose no occasion of pressing my enquiries, and my poor counsel, which is not much worth.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 16 March [1815]

Conceiving that you will be glad to hear from time to time a word from me respecting your Son, I resolve to scribble a line, tho yesterday was a peculiarly bad day . Mr. Sparrow his Tutor and Mr. Hensman spent a long day here lately. I took Mr. H. as usual into my room; we had a very long discussion, and I required an explicit account of their goings on, which he very minutely gave me. I have the satisfaction of reporting that every thing seems very promising; if the improvements are not rapid they are at least progressive. At my request he has begun to attempt composition. He reads Watts’s Logic*and Mr. H. makes observations on their joint perusal both of that and whatever else they read together. As the days lengthen he rises earlier which gives him more time for the Greek Testament before breakfast. He is translating some passages from Demosthenes* which will help to form his Style. I suggested that here after he should learn and recite some fine passages in Burke’s Speeches.* He reads by himself more than he did, and I lent for that purpose Plutarch’s Lives ;* and Travels thro Germany .* I have also presented sent him with the Saint Paul of Barley Wood ,* which he has promised to read; I told him that being written by one who had the honour to be his Mother’s friend, it might interest him more. Mr. H. says that tho he cannot say he sees as yet any decided piety, yet he has great pleasure in seeing that he [has] not the slightest prejudice against religion or religious people. This is /a/ great point for ‘a Harrow fellow’.* But what I rejoyced at as the most gratifying circumstance, was that he told me he possessed great purity of mind. This is a blessed thing at an age when boys have commonly their minds tainted. May God’s blessing preserve it to him! I think Clifton a very fortunate situation for him. I think now he is getting a step towards manhood he would hardly endure the dullness & total want of society of an obscure Village, where he woud probably be too solitary, or led into inferior company. Now at Clifton their little social intercourse is entirely among religious, and well mannered people, and his Sunday’s Instruction sound and good. It was Providential for poor distressed Hensman to get Hudson to fill at once the Niche so fortunately vacated by Cowan,* or he might have forced himself into it again at his return. There appears to subsist a pleasant affection and confidence between the Tutor and Pupil and Hensman says the latter has easy access to his house where he often calls, and where he will get nothing but good. I have said so much about this interesting youth that I have left myself no room for other Subjects.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 25 March [1815]

May God have you in his holy keeps, prays and ever pray Your faithful
H More.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 23 August [1815]

I was indeed surprised at this sudden journey to Ireland: but the motive was too good not to be approved. I take a warm interest in your account of Lady Gosford. If ‘ this vile body* some times presses down the Soul, it does also some times exalt and ennoble it, and leads its immediate companion to look down with more indifference on whatever is perishable. My judgment of Lady G. was always a favourable one, her strong sense, her willingness to read awakening, and heart-searching books; her sincerity in fearing [deletion] to be thought better than she was, and therefore affecting to make light of things which I at the very time believed she was seriously weighing – altogether led me draw conclusions which her present turn of mind fully justifys I heartily bless God for a state so decidedly pious as you give me reason to believe is the case. I hope it may please the Almighty to grant the restoration of her health, for the sake of her children ; and I trust she may become a powerful instrument in a still more extended Sphere by employing the influence which her rank and /fine/ understanding give her, in bringing others to see the same great truths in the same clear light. May God strengthen, comfort, direct, sanctify her!

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, [20? October 1815] [incomplete]

I have delayed writing from day to day till it should please our gracious father to determine the fate of our beloved Mrs. Thornton . That afflicting event has now taken place near a week, and yet I have not had the heart to write. * You doubtless have been informed by the same kind hand with myself, of the fatal progress and final termination! God’s will be done! This we must not only say but submissively assent to under dispensations the most trying. And surely the removal of our dear friend is a very trying as well as Mysterious dispensation. To herself the charge is most blessed. To her children the loss is most irreparable. Poor dear Orphans! little did we think a year ago of this double bereavement! but let us bless the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ that he enabled this suffering friend to bear her dying testimony to his faithfulness and truth. Never was a sweeter death than that so feelingly painted by Mr. Wilberforce How strong must have been that faith which not only lifted her so much above all worldly considerations /but/ which enabled /her/ to commit her beloved children, about whom her anxiety had been so excessive, to the father of the fatherless. It has pleased God to raise them, among many friends, Mr. and Mrs. Inglis to whose care she consigned, and who have generously accepted the charge. They are peculiarly fitted for the purpose, sensible, pious, amiable, strongly attached to the Thorntons and without children of their own. Thus is the saying illustrated that the Seed of the Righteous shall never be forsaken.* My opinion is that Mrs. T is dead of suppressed grief. She reminds me of part of an Epitaph I have seen, only changing the word day for Year

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, 9 October 1815

I was prepared for your truly afflicting intelligence by a preparatory letter from Mr. Macaulay , our most kind and considerate friend in both the calamitous events of the present sad year.* It would be difficult to say whether I mourn most deeply over the state of the body, or rejoyce most triumphantly over that of the mind of my ever beloved and faithful friend . I will not add to your sorrows by dwelling on my own, but I will say that no one out of her own family can feel deeper sorrow than myself. I know I ought not to dwell on this distressful side of the question, but keep my eyes more intently fixed on that bright side to which your piety points my attention. May God’s holy name be praised that in this second conflict she is enabled by his grace so to glorify her Redeemer. My prayers for her are fervent and frequent. She is much on my mind in my long nightly vigils. But I feel that I stand more in need of her prayers than she of mine; Her purified spirit is ascending to her God and Saviour She must be lifted by a mighty faith, to manifest such serenity and resignation under circumstances so peculiarly trying to her affectionate maternal heart. Some months ago, before her illness, Mrs. R. Thornton (from whom I have not since heard) put me in mind of an expression of mine on my first acquaintance with your dear Mother nineteen Years ago – ‘that she would make a good Martyr.’ I did not think I had so much penetra /tion/

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, 9 October 1815

Your letter affords so little hope of the continuance of her earthly existence that I think there is more true kindness in writing to you, as are without any expectation as to this world, than to labour to administer false comfort ; to do this would not be doing justice to your strength of character and to the lessons of wisdom you have been so long imbibing. Who knows but your obvious submission to the Divine hand which has inflicted these heavy strokes may not help to confirm these principles of Christian piety /with/ which Mr Penington’s * mind seems penetrated. God grant that the convictions of this estimable Man may end in a sound conversion! What joy would this give, not only to the Angels in heaven but to the two happy Spirits who may soon be united to that blessed Society. I do love this Penington. I cannot say what a gratification it would be to me to be with you. It is for my own sake I wish it, that I might learn how to die. But my own infirm health, and still more that of Patty would make us a burthen instead of a comfort. With such comforts indeed you are far more richly provided. I cordially rejoyce that you are inclosed with such a circle of such friends, and that those amiable and excellent Inglis’s are about to be added. My affectionate love to the patient Sufferer. I am more disposed to ask comfort from her than to offer it to her.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 13 December [1815]

Your account of Lady Gosford is truly gratifying May it please her heavenly Father to bless her with all peace and joy in believing! May she find more and more of the internal support of that blessed principle which none but real Christians can either feel, or believe, or understand! May her amiable Lord follow her steps! What you tell me of their family worship is quite exhilarating. Lady G, now her fine sense has found its best and noblest object will make no common Christian.

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, October 16th 1815

Tho our souls are sorrowful yet let them be thankful also. I rejoyce to hear from this best of human Authorities how you my dear young friend are supported under this heavy, very heavy blow: that tho your father and Mother have forsaken you yet the Lord taketh you up .* He will bless you all with the best of his blessings, for you are the children of many prayers. It is not the least of his Mercies that you are surrounded with so many friends; and what friends! It will I trust be a wonderful support to your mind, but you have a still higher support; yet one blessing of the friends with which you are so richly provided is, that they will be leading you both by their conversation and example to look to that sustaining hand all here deeply sympathize with you. For my own part I am wanting the comfort I am attempting to give for my own loss is great.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 23 April [1816]

We have lately had a visit from Mr. Wm. Parnell ,* a most sensible and I believe pious Man ; he seems to have taken a deep interests in the improvement of Ireland, and to be thoroughly acquainted with the existing state of things. I am expecting him again before he returns. He speaks most highly, that is more justly, of our friend Daly. I hope e’re this you have made your visit to Dublin and the Environs. I want you much to see my very interesting friends in that district. Pray my kindest remembrances to Mr. Dunn when you encounter him either by pen or person. My poor Sister Sarah we fear is far gone in a dropsy! the others poor invalids. I think I am rather the best of a bad bunch. Love to dear Millicent. I commend you to God and the word of his grace the Apostolic benediction.*

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 04 August [1817]

How my heart thanks you for your considerate kindness, (under such accumulated anxieties) in remembering me and causing me so frequently to hear of your goings on. I received Mr. Hodson ’s letter from Falmouth very soon after that from Miss Sparrow dated Gibraltar. But tho to hear of you was a great comfort to me, I lament that no account of comfort to yourself has reached me. Mr. Hodson’s report indeed of dearest Millicents Attack was a fresh source of regret and sorrow. Most heartily do I beseech our Merciful Father that the occasion of this additional affliction may be totally removed, /&/ that you may not as the Apostle says, have sorrow upon sorrow.* To the all Wise Dispenser of our sufferings as well as our blessings, I am however deeply thankful that ‘ your Soul prospers and is in health.’* May the Holy Spirit the Blessed, indeed the only Substantial Comforter, continue to support, console, and strengthen you. These troubles tho not joyous but grievous, will I trust multiply upon you the peaceable fruits of Righteousness. In the mean time your health is the Object of my extreme solicitude. Be as careful of it as you can, for you have much more to do in this world. Did I mention in my last that our dear friend Lewis Way, with Mr. Marsh and two converted Jews spent a day here lately on their road to Petersburgh where this noble, romantic, heroic being is going on a Jewish Mission with the above named Companion * The Polish Jew had been ordained the day before by our beloved Bishop of G– the other Jew a German, the next day sent me a very pretty English Sonnet, correct and rather elegant.* Way proposes shutting up these Converts for six Months to study the Russian and other Northern languages that they may preach in those frozen climates. Mrs. Way generously consents to this Crusade. Before we parted Marsh concluded the visit with a very fine affecting prayer. May God bless them and their enterprize! The amiable Enthusiast has heard of some little /white/ stone Church in the Crimea in which he has set his heart on preaching.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 27 August [1817]

Adieu my dearest Lady Olivia, I commend you in the Apostolic words to God and the word of his grace. If Lady Gosford is with you assure of her best regards I am ever
Your faithful and affectionate
H. More

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 2 October [1817]

I think you would be pleased with Buchanan’s Life.* I have the satisfaction to hope that Patty is a little better. She is a decided Invalid, but I am thankful for any improvement. The Harfords have been to us since their return, overflowing with accounts of His Holiness, and their friends the Cardinals &c. I hope they will now after two years wandering sit down quietly and become a blessing to their neighbours, to the rich by their example and to the poor by their bounty.* Not a day of so uncertain a thing as life is to be lost. May the Holy Spirit quicken us all in our respective duties, support us under our respective trials, and direct us to look for peace and rest where alone it is to be found. You my dearest lady have been deeply exercised; God gives to you the same tokens of his love in a /great/ degree which he gave to the Saints of old, exercises of patience, submission and holy acquiescence in his Will. Kindest love to your dear Companions

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, [4 January 1818]

Tho I have written so much to your excellent companion, in answer to his kind letter, yet I cannot dispatch it without a few lines to yourself. Accept my heartfelt sympathy and cordial prayers; poor as they are they are at all times offered up for you and yours and especially at this hallowed and gracious Season; may all the blessings it was meant to convey be yours, and those of your dear party, even the blessings of redemption and the consolations of God’s Holy Spirit. Oh that I had wings like a dove, that I might fly to take a peep at you in your Conventual retreat, sleep in one of your Cells, and take a walk with you in the delicious Garden at which Mr. Obins’s description makes my Mouth water. Patty, who I thank God is not worse , joins me in the warmest wishes for your health, peace and comfort. May the Almighty be your guard your /guide,/ the strength of your heart and your portion for ever! How one feels the impotence of human friendship! to desire so much and to be able to do so little, to do nothing!

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, [23 March 1818]

I have just had a letter from the most amiable and most calumniated of Bishops . His bitterest enemies can bring no charge against him but that he preaches too often and works too hard. – Surely he may say with Saint Paul 'forgive me this wrong'. His health and Spirits are better, and he goes on to labour with the zeal of an Apostle. His assailan[t] [unclear] is likely to meet with great promotion!!* His success will teach other worldly clergy the way to preferment and no doubt it will be sedulously followed up. May God protect our Church! she is in no danger but from herself. The Gates of Hell shall not prevail against, but her own unworthy Sons may.

Hannah More to Sarah Horne Hole, December 26th 1818

I hope as the attachment of these two amiable young people seems formed on solid grounds, that they may prove a blessing to each other, and to the parish in which the Providence of Him who orders the bounds of our habitation and our whole /lot/ in life, shall place /them. / There is no character more exalted or more useful than that of an amiable Clergyman who faithfully preaches the doctrines of the New Testament, and who gives the best evidences that he himself believes /them/ by living as he preaches; and who makes his week day practice the powerful illustration of his Sunday exhortations. Nor has the Wife of such a Man a slight character to sustain; she will best prove her affection for her husband by seconding to the utmost of her power his endeavours to do good both to the souls and bodies of his people. To the poor she will be a pattern of kindness, to the affluent an example of prudence sobermindedness and piety. Her husband’s public lessons will produce a double effect on his domestic companion. Will dear Felicia forgive all this? I am tempted to it by the serious strain of your letter which pleased me the more as I thought I saw in it a visible growth in the state of y[our] [tear] own mind. I pray God to increase in you more and more his grace, without which all other advantages tempting as they may seem to the worldly and the superficial, have no solid worth. When you see dear Mrs. Horne assure her of my most affectionate respects. My Sister, who as usual is a great sufferer joins me in kind regards to Miss Horne and to your fair daughter. Mr. Welby I am sure stands in no need of such advice respecting books as I can give him Among the ancient Divines, I prefer Archbishop Leighton ,* Hopkins,* Reynalds,* Taylor* among modern Sermons, , Venns* Cooper’s* Daniel Wilson,* Gallaudet,* Bradley,* Gisborne* Porteus* I think Milner’s Church History* a most excellent /work/

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, December 4th 1819

Thanks for your very kind and interesting letter. We were all deeply affected with Henry Venn and all the circumstances which accompanied his introduction into his sacred Office.* May he, in living and preaching be the exact representative of his excellent Father’s. Such fathers as his and yours have left a high Standard to which I trust it will be the study and the delight of the children of both families to act up. It is a great thing even where we cannot say we have altogether attained to be always pressing forward. I doubt not I shall admire Mr. Dealtry’s Sermon* as I do every thing that comes from his pen, his head, and his heart. I should be sorry if they had diluted it. I do not approve of that prudence which is apt to put ‘trop d’eau dans le vins de peres.’ * In my poor judgment it is not easy to be too strong on the delinquencies of the present times – When we adopt excessive moderation to the few we are guilty of cruelty to the many – I should prefer the Sermon glowing and animated as you heard it, to the more lowered cautious production, after it had passed thro the hands of the nibbling and lapping critics.

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, December 4th 1819

God bless you my very dear Marianne
prays your truly affectionate
H More

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 11 August [1819]

May our gracious God, my dearest Lady Olivia, bless direct and guide you both is the heartfelt prayer of your Ladyships truly
grateful & affectionate
H More

Hannah More to Sarah Horne Hole, August 3rd 1821

I rejoyce with you on the comfort you must derive from seeing your dear Children so happily settled, and about to be settled. I pray God to grant them his blessing, without which nothing is strong, nothing is holy; and that blessing is abundantly granted to all who live in his faith and fear, and who seek to promote his glory. My love to your amiable daughter and to your dear excellent Mother, who I hope has not forgotten me. As to Mrs. Kennicott All the accounts I receive of that old and excellent friend are discouraging, as to any hope of improvement. I am willing to hope however that she suffers little pain, so her neighbour Mr. Hallam lately assured me. *

Hannah More to Sarah Horne Hole, August 3rd 1821

How many delightful days and Months have we spent together during a friendship of 46 years!* May we spend a blessed eternity together; and then we shall think our earthly sufferings were less than nothing!

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 29 October 1822

That every blessing may attend you, and that after this short life (mine must be very short) we may meet in a World where there will be neither sin sorrow or separation is the fervent prayer of
My dearest Lady Olivia
Your very faithful
and affectionate
H More

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, November 5th 1823

Adieu my dear Marianne
May God bless you and all at your home with the best of his blessings
Prays your very affectionate
[Signature cut out]

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 28 May 1823

What a chain of Providences, especially when one considers every connecting link, may be traced from the conversion of the Vice Consul at Villa France, to the erection of the Church by that dear glorious, rational, Enthusiast, (if I may couple Epithets never meant to meet) to your bestowing on the fine little boy an English Christian education. May the Almighty confirm the important work, of which the consecutive events are so striking! He who has graciously overrated your bitter trials in that Popish land, will not fail to bless a scheme so calculated to promote his glory.*

Hannah More to Mrs Smith

Allow me now dear Madam to assure you of the warm interest I have taken in the late family events. If I have been disappointed on the one side I have been much gratified on the other. May it please our generous Father to bless you with an increase of health and of his grace, that you may be blessed yourself, and be made a blessing to others.

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, December 13th 1825

Tho’ after a bad night I am hardly able to hold a pen, I cannot let the post go without a line . Would that my most cordial Sympathy could be any comfort to you and dear Henry. You do not however want human consolation, you both deserve it from a higher Source. What a comfort to your dear brother to feel that he has in no degree contributed to the misfortunes by which he is so severe a sufferer.* May he may derive [sic] no small comfort from that goodness of God which enables him to act with such pure integrity and to submit with such Christian resignation to events which he could neither prevent nor correct. I shall most gladly receive you both, the change will do you good . I am glad you talk of a fortnight hence, as I am to have a set of holiday folks, whom I have promised and cannot put aside . On the 27 I shall be most happy to receive you both with your merry young One – I hope this may suit you – Do write again – You are in my heart and in my prayers –

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, December 13th 1825

God bless you all
Yours ever H More

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 18 October 1825

I bless God for your favourable report of dear Lady Mandeville. How I should delight to see her sweet babes!* I pray God to bless them

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 25 [September 1816]

We had looked forward with the hope of your being in this quarter during the Jew Week at Bristol . The Revd Mr. Way opens his commission next tuesday by a Sermon, he will be followed by Simeon, Hawtrey, Wilson &c in the course of the week.* I know all this would have been an entertainment to your heart’s desire. But we must submit to overruling circumstances. May it please the Father mercies and God of all consolations speedily to remove this trial and to sanctify it to your spiritual good.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow. 8-11 October [1815]

Adieu my dearest Lady O. I commend you to the protection and blessing of God
Yours ever
most faithfully HM.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow [incomplete]

Mr. S. and Mr. Hodson dined here not long since. I heartily hope that any little disagrémens may be got over. I hope to see them soon again, with a confirmation of the favourable appearance things then were which Mr. H. hoped would be permanent. May your prayers for this amiable young Man be heard!, and may he escape the pollutions of a World which will be throwing /out/ all it [sic] baits to allure him into the broad way. To his dear Sister I send my best love. P. (who desires all that is kind) and I mourn over poor Mr. Obins ’s solitude How he must miss you!

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, [No date, but likely March/April 1817]

God bless you both and keep you under his holy protection
H More

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, Thursday, unknown date

If I scribble on I may lose the Post – so God bless you all with the best of his blessings, grace and peace.

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, 1816

And now let me thank you cordially for the pleasure I received from your interesting letter. Those little domestic details are quite to my taste, when I love the detailer and the persons who make the subject of the Narrative. Frequently do I thank the great disposer of events who after the heavy and successive /storms/ which have passed over your head and half broken your heart, has mercifully placed you in such a state of comfort and repose, /&/ has, by an extraordinary interposition of his Providence raised you up such stedfast, zealous efficient friends, as in the common course even of favourable events could not be reckoned upon. Such losses as you have sustained can never be repaired, but surely never were such losses so softened, so mitigated.* I long to see your delightful Establishment, and Mrs. Inglis presiding in her department, a situation which brings her talents into full action. When she was acquiring her various accomplishments she little suspected what would be the objects which should call them into exercise. May God reward her generous exertions and bless her little pupils with his best blessings!