Beadon, Richard

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, December 29 1812

But among all the sensual gratifications with which you furnish me, I must not forget those of the intellect. Your pleasant letter was a treat to me. I felt inclined, but I resisted the inclination, to envy your Bible feast* at Cambridge I am astonished how continues to rise upon himself every time he speaks; but on this awakening Bible business, the heart helps out the head. It gives birth /to/ a joint production; piety as well as talent animating the piece Our County project for a Bible Society* is very uphill work. The Bishop against it*. The Aristocracy friendly. I have been charmed with a letter I have just read on the occasion from manly decision and deep piety were strongly expressed. The noble and Royal Meeting at Westonmister [sic], headed by five Princes of the blood, will I trust give a new impulse to the Provincial Societies*. who was present, gave me an interesting report of the day.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, August 1814

If I can get rid of my cough and I are engaged to go to our dear about the 29th., being there we must also acquit ourselves of a long promise to stay a little with the Bishop. there will be a little difference in these Visits!! I trust will not be likely to come just at that time as it is the only time I shall be from home. Indeed the Dean I believe will be of the Jew party at Bristol.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 13 December [1815]

who has been with us, boasts much of some pleasant hours spent with you in Wales. He is a superior Man, brimful of information One of our best Orientalists. He is just returned from his second visit to the City of sin, whither he went to see his friend * He is going again on a Mission about the French New Testament, which I am happy to say hi /a/ s /been/ circulated by many Priests, to the amount of three Editions. – I hope you have seen ’ excellent Article on ‘The Church in Danger’ in the last British Review.* I am glad to find that valuable work is in high repute.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 13 December [1815]

In the November issue of The British Review, and London Critical Journal, Roberts published a lengthy article entitled ‘The Church in Danger’ in which he discussed several of the pamphlets written on the subject of the British and Foreign Bible Society, including the letter to the Bishop of Gloucester written by (see also 'To Olivia Sparrow, 20 October 1815'). Roberts’s article featured missives from both sides of the argument, though his own view was firmly in favour of the work of the Bible Society for having raised ‘a great proportion of these neutral beings’ (by which he meant the poor) ‘into a state of positive religion’ (The British Review, November 1815, pp. 252-287 (p. 255)). (Read on Google Books.)

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 13 December [1815]

We had a visit lately from my excellent friend the Bp of Gloucester who is raising the tone of religion in his new See as he has done at Wells.