Acheson, Lady Mary

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, March 18 1813

A young divine, a great friend of mine the , being lately brought to a very serious sense of religion has just entered the Church, and having preached only 4 Sermons of truly serious piety caught cold and is supposed to be consumptive – The Physicians immediately sent him abroad He is now at Gibraltar, is going to Malta, Sicily &c – He has letters to Lord W. Bentinck, should he chance to see him, but it just occurs to me that you would perhaps have the goodness to name him to . – He is a very elegant young Man modest, well manner'd, &c –

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 16 March [1815]

I have just got a long letter from dear replete with sorrow, affection and the deepest piety. How stupid, in ’s prejudiced bigoted * to obstruct the very desirable plans of and to write a Memoir of the dear departed! I have written to to try to soften her brother Bartlett’s-Buildings heart.* Poor I hear looks sadly, has a pain in her chest and drinks Asses Milk. I tremble for her life. Her letters rather increase in sadness, but it is a sanctified sadness. – I forgot to say that Mr. H. and I agreed that nothing would so much contribute to give Mr. S. a habit of application as to give him a slight tincture of Fractions, and Algebra; not to make him a Mathematician but to tie down his attention – I know of no person likely to suit Lady Gosford’s friend as a Governess. You ask how I like W. Scott’s new Poem.* I have not seen it, but do not hear it thought equal to its predecessors. A friend has sent me Eustace’s Tour thro Italy.* It is classical & elegant in a high degree – but has too much Republicanism too little of the Manners of the people, and I think a disposition to overrate their Virtues – God be praised for the peace!* – but what Peace so long as the Witchcrafts of Bonaparte are so many. is in very poor health. We all join in kind remembrances to Yr. Ladyship and .

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 23 August [1815]

I was indeed surprised at this sudden journey to Ireland: but the motive was too good not to be approved. I take a warm interest in your account of Lady Gosford. If ‘this vile body’* some times presses down the Soul, it does also some times exalt and ennoble it, and leads its immediate companion to look down with more indifference on whatever is perishable. My judgment of Lady G. was always a favourable one, her strong sense, her willingness to read awakening, and heart-searching books; her sincerity in fearing [deletion] to be thought better than she was, and therefore affecting to make light of things which I at the very time believed she was seriously weighing – altogether led me draw conclusions which her present turn of mind fully justifys I heartily bless God for a state so decidedly pious as you give me reason to believe is the case. I hope it may please the Almighty to grant the restoration of her health, for the sake of her children; and I trust she may become a powerful instrument in a still more extended Sphere by employing the influence which her rank and /fine/ understanding give her, in bringing others to see the same great truths in the same clear light. May God strengthen, comfort, direct, sanctify her!

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 13 December [1815]

Your account of Lady Gosford is truly gratifying May it please her heavenly Father to bless her with all peace and joy in believing! May she find more and more of the internal support of that blessed principle which none but real Christians can either feel, or believe, or understand! May follow her steps! What you tell me of their family worship is quite exhilarating. Lady G, now her fine sense has found its best and noblest object will make no common Christian.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 27 August [1817]

Adieu my dearest Lady Olivia, I commend you in the Apostolic words to God and the word of his grace. If Lady Gosford is with you assure of her best regards I am ever
Your faithful and affectionate
H. More

To Lady Olivia Sparrow [incomplete]

My best respects to and Lady Gosford. Ever dearest Lady O.
Your faithful
obligd & affectionate
H More