Bulgin, William

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, February 17 1815

I hope you are still enjoying the profitable and very pleasant Society [deletion]. cribbed me sadly in the time he bestowed on us. If he has not left you be so good to tell him that I received his valuable present of Fenclon.*It was indeed paying me for my Bristol Stones with Jewels of the first water. Pray tell him also that I was afraid, that thro the well meant folly of stupid Bulgin he had not receved [sic] a copy both for himself and , but have at last the satisfaction to find that he did. I woud write to himself but from the fear that he has left you, and if not this will save him the trouble of a letter I hope to see him again. The loss of such friends as we have lost makes us cling still closer to those of the same class who remain to us – I am ready to exclaim with in his last letter – Who next Lord?

Hannah More to Thomas Cadell Junior, 23 March 1825

As I presume the third Edition must be published [obscured by inkblot] /published by/ this time, I beg the favour of you to send me half a Dozen Copies by the Coach directed to Mr. Bulgin for me. I have lately had a visit from – the chief Bookseller and Printer of New York. He sent me some years since /a present of/ an American Edition of my own works – He printed thirty Editions of Coelebs One thousand in each Edition. He is a man of excellent Sense and character –

To Lady Olivia Sparrow from Mary Roberts on behalf of Hannah More, 14 April [1832]

If your Ladyship should think proper to accede to this proposal, will you have the goodness, when it suits with your convenience, to inform me to what place we are to direct the packet containing your letters, & to send those of our dear Friend directed for her to be left till called for, at Mr. Bulgin’s Bookseller Corn St. Bristol –