Methuen, Thomas

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, October 26 1813

Did you see Methuin?

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, August 1814

Mr. Cunningham writes me a good account of the female Methuens - and gives me some hope of seeing him here. – Pray, pray write me a full and true history of your doings soon, and say how you are, and if you gain strength – I am anxious about this. – [three lines of deletions]

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 04 August [1817]

Last Week we had our Annual Bible Meeting. It was a very good one, good collection, & good speaking We had 29 Clergymen of the Establishment. Poor was not able to attend, but notwithstanding her bad health, we supported the good cause by inviting about 60 to dinner and 120 to tea. We had a good many Clifton friends. the ’s , (who looked woefully) and her brother Tom who made a speech. I have had a very pious letter from poor Lord Edward* who feels his loss deeply, but submits to the hand which inflects [sic] it [tear] You will have felt for poor .* W[hat] [tear] good might she not have done with those super eminent talents! May she have found Mercy! and came to us last week H[e is] [tear] a fine noble minded creature, and I hope will be an instrument of much good.