La Touche, Isabella

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 13 December [1815]

I am sorry you saw so little of Mrs. La Touche I earnestly hope that visit will be yet made; to say nothing of her residence which I wish to see of all places, she is herself very interesting, and a character of inestimable value. (by the way) I am astonished at what you tell me of , if there is any coolness it must be on his part. I am sure it has not been on mine. We have not indeed corresponded as largely as we used to do, but he himself has apologized for it, from his other pursuits. My esteem for his virtues and admiration of his talents are great and undiminished. We do not indeed think alike on certain religious points and (whom I also much love) had the candor to tell me that our difference in this matter was the reason why he did not write to thank me for my books. but I did not know why this should make any coolness among /Christian/ friends, I am sure it will make none in heaven, and I am the last person who would lower my regard for a friend on account of their opinion of my writings. I shall hope to see both Knox and Jebb next Summer.