Owen, John

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 27 April [1815]

I enter heartily into your concern about your Clergyman. It is of such importance! I hope I am furnishing Mr. Dunn with a young Tutor for his little boy of the highest value. But it is only in trial, as is not yet in orders I trust it will be a mutual benefit

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 23 August [1815]

I agree with you in your opinion of Owen He is certainly not only a wonderful instrument, but a very superior man in himself; and ‘let him, that is without fault’ cast the first stone.* His danger lies on the side of popularity and acclamation, but I doubt not he prays and strives against these perils formidable even to good Men.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, [23 March 1818]

’s admirable Defence of the Bishop and the Missionary Society has reached the Sixteenth Edition.* He has just published a thick Volume of Sermons.* The few I have read are excellent. I hope to see him and probably Cunningham & &c next Week, if they come down to the Missry. Meeting at Bristol. They have just recd. at Bristol £100 from New Subscribers

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 29 October 1822

I will not touch on the many painful topics which have lately occurred – I rejoyce to find however that tho his loss can never be supplied, dear Owen’s family are left in comfortable circumstances. I had feared the contrary. – has lent me for a short time in the absence of . She leaves me to morrow. I have always some inmate to receive my company below, write my letters and carry on the family devotions, and read to me

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 28 May 1823

Poor Owen!* what a chasm has he made! I hear his successor is very promising, but he united so many talents! What a strange match in his family! I inclose a little extemporaneous effusion for dear ; not that she stands in need of a flapper on that Subject, but because I would recall myself to her recollection. I had many little things I wished to say, but must defer them. Adieu! my dearest Lady Olivia