Vansittart, Nicholas

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 28 May 1823

How gloriously has the Penticostal Festiva[l] [tear] if I may so call it, in London gone off!* N[ever] [tear] had they better speaking or a better Subscription at the Bible – Lord Harrowby’s was a model of Patrician dignity, and Classic Elegance. I have had a very interesting letter from Lord Bexley, in answer to one in which I congratulated him on his escape from the toils of Office* to a state of leisure which would enable him to do more spiritual good. He said, he shoud warmly devote himself to the Success of the Bible Society, which he believed was established for the Renovation of the human race.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, Dec 1826 [incomplete]

I hear frequently from that most active and genuine Christian the * – She is the of this part of the World. Three of her daughters, as you know, are most exemplary.* I trust you have read Lord Bexley’s Bible Speech,* he sent it me with [tear]ly pious letter. Tho not many [tear], not many noble are called, yet blessed be God some are, and the number is visibly greatly increased, and increasing.