Kennicott, Ann

Hannah More to Sarah (Sally) Horne Hole, 8 January 1816

I had last night a letter from Mrs. Kennicott she gives a pretty good account of herself

Hannah More to Sarah (Sally) Horne Hole, 15 February 1817

If you see dear Mrs. Kennicott before I am able to write to her, give my [tear] to her and tell her that sickness and all this writing, have made me neglect the My friends, as far as outward attentions go, but I hope to mend my ways.

Hannah More to Sarah Horne Hole, August 3rd 1821

I rejoyce with you on the comfort you must derive from seeing your dear Children so happily settled, and about to be settled. I pray God to grant them his blessing, without which nothing is strong, nothing is holy; and that blessing is abundantly granted to all who live in his faith and fear, and who seek to promote his glory. My love to your amiable and to your dear excellent , who I hope has not forgotten me. As to Mrs. Kennicott All the accounts I receive of that old and excellent friend are discouraging, as to any hope of improvement. I am willing to hope however that she suffers little pain, so her neighbour lately assured me.*

Hannah More to Sarah Horne Hole, March 16th 1824

I heard a good Account of dear Mrs. Kenn[i]cott last week from the * who at past 90 writes as fine a hand as ever*