Smith, Thomas James

Hannah More to Mrs Sarah Hole, June 30th 1815

When you write pray thank your dear Mother for her affectionate remembrance of a family who will always retain a great regard for her.

Hannah More to Mrs Smith

Among the other agreeable circumstances attending the late change, there is one which I must not overlook, namely that you will become a near neighbour to me. I hope Mr. Smith and your self, and your little family are all well, I desire my particular love to my young favorite. I hope I shall find her improved in knowledge and in every thing that is amiable and pleasing; never forgetting that among all acquirements desirable as outward accomplishments are, the knowledge of the Scriptures is the best knowledge, and its precepts the best model for our practice. The Gospel is the only sure rule for our conduct here, and a reliance on its promises the only real ground for our happiness hereafter.

Hannah More to Mrs Smith

With my best regards to Mr. Smith, and cordial wishes for your happiness in time and Eternity*
I remain my dear Madam
Your obliged & affectionate
H. More