Wilson, Daniel

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 23 June [1819]

Mr. Daniel Wilson spent a day with us last week and was delightful. Our present guests are and the 4 elder Thorntons. Our comfort in their company is lessened by poor ’s being seized with the Measles.* She has already been in bed two days, and very ill; but things look more favourably to day. The night was very bad.

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 27 April [1815]

I have been delighted to see the elegant in his character of Cicerone to the Saints. He one day came down with Mr. Wilson whom I never saw before and who is a most amiable /Man/ and another with an old favorite of mine. of course accompanied. It is pleasant to see him easy and cheerful in such sort of company, and they exhibit religion to nam[tear] a pleasing form, without any of that alloy of coa[rse]ness [tear] which by assimilating itself with religion, makes the /young/ fancy that religion itself is worse. The Saints Jubilee at Bristol produced a great harvest.* About 800 to the Missionary only.* – The Jew business promises to revive these,* that I hope will give me a peep at – I sent him my book,* but know not if he has read it. It is a singular thing, that I have received more encouraging and flattering reports on that book from Bishops and the higher Clergy than from almost any others. I scarcely expected it

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, [23 March 1818]

Daniel Wilson’s admirable Defence of the Bishop and the Missionary Society has reached the Sixteenth Edition.* He has just published a thick Volume of Sermons.* The few I have read are excellent. I hope to see him and probably & &c next Week, if they come down to the Missry. Meeting at Bristol. They have just recd. at Bristol £100 from New Subscribers

To Lady Olivia Sparrow. 8-11 October [1815]

came here last week on a Visit with that delightful Man Mr. Daniel Wilson, nothing passed with an expression of my regret that You were prevented from coming here with the , as I had been led to hope. How glad I am that you will have the comfort of his Society. Do let me hear from you soon. Kindest regards to your young companions. I hear dear is at Bath