Fath Ali Shah

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, [20? October 1815] [incomplete]

My heart is not much in tune for indifferent subjects or I could give you a large account of two visits we had from the Ambass[ad]or on his arrival from Persia. It was the more obliging as we were not acquainted before. I think I never was so entertained by any conversation, as he was over flowing with information from a court and Country of which we know almost nothing. His manners peculiarly pleasing, as was his narration of his carrying the new Testament to the king of Persia and the favourable reception it met with He paints the people as uniformly treacherous, deceitful and base, and seems to think the king almost the only man of sense and honour. Perhaps you will not think it a great proof of either that he has 500 Wives, 50 Sons and 132 daughters!!* I wish you were here that I might give you the details.