Thornton, Henrietta

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, October 16th 1815

When little was up weeping last night on receipt of letter, she lifted up her hands and cried God bless dear little Etta!

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, 21st November [in or after 1817]

We both write in kindest respects to and [superscript needs to be checked here] Inglis and in love to dear and all the young things. Pray tell Etta that goes to school by day, and talks of Articles and Pronouns, and [unclear] and [unclear], and [unclear] and [unclear], with much of her profound learning Your kind present of History* she can nearly repeat all the Stories, and if she could help it woud read no other book, except indeed Black Giles and Tawney Rachel*

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, 1816

writes a letter most days to Etta. My love to all the dear children. Remember me to the Macaulay’s. said you had been so kind to invite her, at which she was much pleased.