Sykes, Isabella Wright

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, November 23rd 1816

It was so long since I had heard any thing of you that it gave me particular pleasure to receive your letter, and to hear such pleasant Accounts of yourself and friends. What a delightful Society to have so many kind Aunts Uncles and Cousins within a ring fence. Mrs. D. Sykes you know was always a favourite with me. I know less of the others. You have drawn an interesting portrait of .* She must be a fine creature. I have answered her letter which is what I cannot always do. The keen Northern air* is I trust bracing your body, while so many affectionate friends cheer your mind. I too have suffered most truly for ,* and am still not without anxiety for him. and we had invited to spend a fortnight with /us,/ and it did her good after the fatigue of nursing her .* met them half way back and by that means confirmed his cold and cough into a fever. I sent by a certain pacquet of letters which are waiting your return in a little box.