
Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, October 11th 1819

I hope the bathing was of service to all – I am glad dear is so renovated. My affectionate love to all not forgetting the Ancient Barton

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, December 4th 1819

I expect your friend this day; from him I expect to hear a great deal about you all. I hope dear has quite recovered her strength. My love to the [sic] all, and to the ancient Burton when you see him. I hope she continues staunch. Do let me hear from you sometimes – a letter costs you little or nothing and it is great pleasure to me – I owe some expression of love and gratitude to almost every Grant. I do love them all cordially.*

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, August 5th 1824

Your Italian Count (I cant make out his name) shall be courteously received, even tho he is not an Englishman. My love to the d[ear] [tear] ancient Burton, who not only is content to stay [tear] England but to stay at home – a rare instance of [tear]*

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, Thursday, unknown date

The were with me when your very welcome letter arrived. – Come! come! I shall be most happy to see you and dear , and not the least glad to see my dear Ancient Burton, the last I believe left in this land of nunnery abroad. Tell that is very glad at the prospect of having such a helper in cleaning and cooking, and I will pay her wages for hard work by giving her a kiss every morning. I am glad you go to the first – as soon as you arrive there send me a line to warn the welcome hour when I may expect the really great gratification of seeing three such dear Creatures. It was certainly my turn.*