Stewart, Dr

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 27 August [1817]

I was much grieved to hear that dear had had an Attack. I cannot forbear of asking you (because I promised I would do so) whether you have heard of a Mr. Stewart a Scotch Clergyman who is said to have done wonders in consumption cases,* and to whom patients are flocking from all quarters. I am told he quite restored a daughter of the late * who was supposed to be past cure. His Mode of treatment is quite new, and as it should seem, quite rash. Instead of starving he feeds his patients, allows them meat and all nourishing things. The reason he assigns for this is, that whatever increase of fever it promotes, is counterbalanced by food giving strength to resist the fever. Pray remember that I should be the last person to advise your going to Scotland to consult this Clerical Empyric, but a promise was extorted from me by some Scotch Women of fashion, that I woud mention it. Every one feels so much for you that if prayers and cordial good wishes could restore your dear invalid, his sufferings would be removed. But I am well aware that there is an Almighty, All merciful Being, who loves him better than any friends, or even than his fond Mother and who never willingly afflicts his children, but who sometimes manifests more love in afflicting them than in a dispensation which to our short sighted views woud seem more grievous. He can make sickness a blessing both to the sufferer and to his friends.