Bankes, Joseph

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 23 April [1816]

I am very uneasy about /he is ill/ . Much as he has done, he has not compleated his work, and I am base enough to fear his being called to his rest and his reward, from a world which still wants him.* I think I never was so delighted as at his present call of Providence. the first of Hayti, late Christolphe, has sent to him to send him out teachers in Natural and Experimental Philosophy, a Surgeon, School Masters &&c Is it not marvellous? But what most delights me in said King Henry is, that as he has shaken off the French /Tyranny/ he wishes also to abolish the French language. Accordingly W– has obtained of the Bible Society to send him out 5000 Testaments printed in French and English in Columns!! Is not this delightful. The new King wants to make an improved population, Wilbe. to make a Christianized one.* He writes to me about books Teachers &c. The latter it will be rather difficult to procure as they should know something of French.* I am charmed with the energy of poor infirm Sir Joseph Bankes, who says if he were not so old he would go himself.* I wish we could see more of this Missionary Spirit in our young Church Ministers. By the way the Missry. Meeting lately held in Bristol raised, in these distressing times above £800 besides Jewels to a considerable amount.*