Hunt, Henry 'Orator'

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 27 March [1817]

And now let me thank you for my book as Patty desires to do for hers. Chalmers has indeed numberless passages of great splendor, and and a general richness of language which one does not often meet with.* As to /the/ Jesuit Book,* I would that every Member of both Houses of Parliament were compelled to peruse it before they ventured to give a vote on the tremendous question which I suppose will soon be brought forward, and which, in my humble opinion, if carried as I fear it will be carried, threatens more evil to this country than all the Hunts and s and s in it.* The single Chapter which relates to Lancashire makes me tremble.*

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, [No date, but likely March/April 1817]

Hunt’s alarming Visit to Bristol terminated to his own disgrace. His party was very small, very shabby and very quiet. Not an Innkeeper would let him into their houses, and 14 Printers refused to print any of his papers.*