Montagu,George, 6th Duke of Manchester

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 29 October 1822

And now let me, in the fulness of my heart, join with you in adoring that infinite goodness which has enabled you to accomplish so desirable, yet alas! so painful an object. This is a fresh exemplification of the imperfection of all human things. Even the best devised, and the most successfully executed /plans/ must, in the very nature of human things have some draw back, some reminding that this is not our rest. This noble alliance this amiable and excellent husband seems to be all that was necessary to compleat your own felicity. And yet this admirable daughter, the dearest object of your fond solicitude, this fine creature so carefully educated, and whose conduct, piety, and accomplished Mind has /so/ amply rewarded your cares and anxieties, this beloved being must be parted with, her dear Society be transferred to another. Happily that other seems to be all you could wish, or hope, and she will, I am persuaded receive and confer as much happiness as this mutable and transitory state can bestow.