Grant, Robert

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 29 October 1822

The ’s ‘Charge’* must have delighted you. It is a kind of Vademecum for Clergymen. I have seen him [tear] I quitted my bed and his new born infant whom he calls his Duodecimo.* I have also had in my sick room lately, Robert Grant , , the learned * with many other distant friends whom I never thought to see in this world.

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, 21st November [in or after 1817]

I shall expect at least half a dozen Epistles, not as fair barter but as liberal commerce, for this long and I fear hardly intelligible scrawl. Besides telling me what you read, and who you see, you are still surrounded by a society (but oh how thinned) whom I know and love, while those about me are unknown to you, and would excite little interest were it not so. When you write pray mention how Robert Grant is. He gave us two pleasant days some weeks ago but was not quite well.