Teignmouth, Lady

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, October 11th 1819

I have received about a hundred letters full of kindness and condolence, and many of them, of piety – but I have felt myself utterly unable to answer them – You will be so kind as make this true apology to any friends who may think themselves neglected. My health has been very bad, and neither body or mind has yet made much progress, the former I hope is most in fault, for I bless God my mind is I trust unrepining and submissive, but it is still very weak. I am forbid by my to see company, for which I am thankful as I have no heart to see any but two or three particular friends in my own room – for talking brings back the complaint in my chest. Your excellent kindly promises to come to see me from Bath – I hope it will not be till I am much better, as I should be sorry to see him only for an hour in my chamber which is all I can yet do. It is grievous too that and Lady Teignmouth should be at Clifton at this time – It is many years that we both looked forward to seeing those dear friends for a few days, and [deletion] now I can so little profit by their neighbourhood is painful to me.