Baron de Stael

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, November 5th 1823

You gave me some hope in the Summer that I might get a sight of you and the dear [unclear], in a little visit you thought of making at Blaise Castle.* I should have much rejoyced to have seen you both. The however have been very little there, * delicate health requiring the Sea Coast. It must be a great sacrifice to leave their Elysium for so long a time. There are so many interesting things about which I should like to talk with you, that I wish I could dilate upon some of them The Protestant Church however which is erecting over the very Ashes of that Archfiend * is too wonderful not to be just hinted at. That /he/ whose constant way it was, il faut ecrasez l’Infame,* should have the Gospel of the Saviour he vilified and whose very name he swore he would exterminate /should be preached over his Grave;/ that the printing press which was for so long the fountain whence his abominations were published, is an instance of the Antidote following the poison the most striking!!* How I honour the Baron de Staël! Had his employ’d her talents, unrivalled by any Woman certainly, in the way her Son is doing, she would have been as much the object of love and esteem, as she always must be, of admiration.* A propos of illustrious Women, I have lately had a visit from the .* We were ready to devour each other. Greatly as I honour the memory of Howard*, I think she is as superior to him as the Soul is to the body.