Phillipps, Emily March

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, 3 July 1826

I am in your /debt/ for two letters, on topics most essentially different, but each deeply excellent and interesting in its way. That which contained the Saints Journal* /of/ the first week in May /was/ not only delightful to myself but was a treat conferred on as many of my numberless visitors as I thought worthy of such a banquet. The last, Alas! what shall I say to the last? Dear tormented !* I have cordially joined in the heartach of the mourning family. She was not only the favorite but the idol of so many who were able to appreciate her talents, her principles and her various powers of pleasing. The wounds of her doating brothers* and * will not soon be healed, I am glad I saw the latter when he came to fetch his incomparable Wife. It is a painful pleasure that she so lately spent a fortnight with me after a separation of so many years. Poor dear little Emily*. I assure /you/ I was not the only one who shed tears at her remarks. Poor dear Child! she was always writing Sermons or Verses at me when she was here. I do not stand in need of the Memento on the Table before me, but I am glad I admired her work basket which she gave me, and when I want /it/ I always say fetch me my Charmile!