Maria, Duchess of Gloucester

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, 1816

by the desire of my dear just before her death announced to me her departure. Her dying behaviour was most exemplary. She lived to see her offending, would I might say her penitent . She is thro much, very much turbulation endured unto the kingdom of heaven. I never witnessed such a life of trials. They have been sanctified to her. I feel much for her death tho I cannot regret it. It closes for ever my connexion with Strawberry hill.* There is no family in so many branches of which I have found such zealous friends. herself, her Sister , her Mother the Duchess of Gloucester, her Uncle , all were singularly attached to me /and my constant correspondents/ I have seen them all go down to the grave – for one Alas! the * I have not ceased to mourn, not on account of his death but his unhappy prejudices against religion, tho they never appeared either in his conversation or letters to me.