Grant, Jane Fraser

Hannah More to Marianne Thornton, 28 January 1819

Had I written a few days ago I could have given you a favourable report of my .* but she has had another of her alarming attacks in the lungs and is just now now faint and weak. I thank God, who is always better to me than I deserve, that I have been tolerably for some weeks. Your account of the increasing excesses of the Baringites is shocking.* I begin to think now that the worse they are the delirium they have excited will be the sooner cooled. What between the blaze of these new lights and the frost of the worldly clergy our poor church is sadly threatened. I would not send off this which I cannot ever look over but that to morrow there is no post, and may be in suspense. has been false-hearted, for I thought he would have looked in upon us again. I rejoyce is so popular. He cannot be more so than he deserves. if he woud talk more he would be perfect. I am glad his rare talents have such a field. I am afraid tho, that it is a weedy, tho far from being a barren field. I long to know whither the School for the Sons of the great at which sent me the prospectus prospers, if it does I shall hail the omen for poor Ireland. I grieve for dear Mrs. Grants illness. I do love her. I am glad you nursed her so kindly