Fitzherbert, Mrs

Hannah More to Patty More, 4 August 1794 [copy, presented to EM Forster by his great aunt, Marianne Thornton

I suppose by this time you expect I should give you some account of my adventures I am not yet at the place of my destination I got to Hertford Street in time to drink tea with the & & the who very gallantly appeared soon after me. carriage came for me after breakfast & carried me to Battersea Rise to dinner where were both the Masters & & . carriage took me after dinner the next stage where to my great surprise was waiting to carry me to my journeys end Theres politeness for you! Dont you think that the Masters improve! At Bitchworth the fine who fought the duel the other day, was stopping with his . He says the breakfasted with him the day before & told him that all was over between him & Mrs. Fitzherbert. I asked him if he thought they were ever married – he thinks not but is not sure