Wesley, Sarah (Sally) Gwynne

Hannah More to William Wilberforce

is a little acquainted with Mrs. Charles Wesley, and says she is a very worthy, respectable person, a perfect Gentlewoman, of good family and Education. She has also , a young Woman of considerable parts and literature. When I knew a little of her some years ago indeed, she was more of a Wit than a Methodist, but I really believe they are both excellent, deserving Women. Of their circumstances I cannot speak so accurately, private fortune they certainly have none. , as he was called allowed them £200 pr. An: during his Life, and we have heard that at his death he desired the Society to allow them £70 Pr. Ann: This I believe is all they have. We think they live with the who support themselves by Music, but were not comfortable Sons to . By to day’s post I shall write to a friend to inform myself more exactly as to their circumstances, certainly making no mention of you in the business. Wesley’s Society I believe is very poor, his restrictions in the Article of dress &c having always frightened away the rich and gay, where /as they/ cou’d now and then sneak into , who seemed to have judged more prudently in not acquiring any such outward and visible sign of conformity. –