Grant, Mrs

Hannah More to William Wilberforce

I think it wou’d be a very pretty galanterie of you to bring and Mrs. Grant here next Saturday; and I shall think you are quite a Modern Patron if you do not come and see that your poor Curates do their duty. Seriously I wish you wou’d, and we shall make you all work very hard on Sunday I can lodge you all – that is you three Gentlefolks – but ni Son ni daughter ni Man, ni Maid, but your shall have his Farm House. Pray let me know by return of post if this pretty proposal is acceptable & if has not his own horses, we are so grand as to be able to send a Carriage to Bristol to fetch him and Mrs. Grant, as we have got one for two or three Months during the very hot weather. –

Hannah More to William Wilberforce

I only named that day thinking and Mrs. Grants stay might be short with you