Barley Wood
To Lady Olivia Sparrow, October 26 1813
Our poor dear Thorntons have suffered intensely on account of their unhappy brother. Henry never was so deeply afflicted at any event. I am glad they change the Scene a little by going to . Wilberforce has been totally absorbed by Abolition business the whole Summer. He had projected a Visit to Barley Wood. The disappointment to me was great. I have a letter from Mr. Stephen which says their hopes are revived respecting the Slaves, but he is not sanguine nor am I.
To Lady Olivia Sparrow, August 1814
I long to know how your great day went off. Mr. Boak passed thro at the time and heard of it far and near. I believe you can do everything but mollify certain hard hearts and open certain eyes judiciously blinded. Thank dear Millicent for the harmonious and very pleasant Way-Verses. So characteristic of the delightful writer! By the way – when [he] does he talk of accomplishing his plan at ? – If you have any intercourse with him be sure put him in mind that he is pledged to Barley Wood for a night or two –
To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 25 March [1815]
Your dear Robert spent the day with us on Wednesday. He came without his Mentor, who had a cold, but not without a wise and pious Guide. Our friend Dunn was of the party, who by the way has never bestowed a single night on Barley Wood, tho so long in our neighbourhood with friends quite new compared to me. I am not jealous however but glad he spent his time so much more pleasantly. I was much pleased with your Son whom I drew out to take a little more share in the conversation, as far as related to the present state of the world, and he expressed himself well, and with accuracy and pleased me by taking a lively interest in what is going on. Dear Mr. Dunn did not give a very good account of your health and your letter does not mend that account, which grieves me much. I think you have judged very wisely, as you are not very stout, to abridge your sejour. Dunn gave me great delight in the report he makes of the progress of mind and growth in piety of your dear daughter. You have laid an excellent foundation, of which I trust the superstructure will be altogether worthy. She will, I am persuaded make a strong character. You have now had time to form her to good habits which will be of incalculable importance to her future character and happiness.
To Lady Olivia Sparrow from Mary Roberts on behalf of Hannah More, 01 May [1830]
When your Ladyships letter arrived this dear & revered friend was confined to her bed by a pretty severe attack upon her Chest, which detained her there nearly Six Weeks; but she is now restored to nearly her usual strength, & has entirely left her chamber, she is perfectly reconciled to her change of Residence* indeed that was the case very soon after the agitating event took place, & she enjoys the sight of the beautiful Rocks & Woods* from her Window, at least as fully as she did the rural scenery of Barley Wood. She enters enough into public concerns to lament the Religious apathy on the one hand, & the Religious differences on the other, which mark these portentous times, but above all, is her mind distracted & grieved at the Spreading & Systematic desecration of the [tear]th so deplorable in a country which calls [tear]. She was able also to afford her full tribut[e of] [tear] praise to the righteous & truly patriotic courage which abolished Sutticism:* Oh would to God she might yet before her departure have to rejoice also over the abolition of the AntiXtian flagitious System of Colonial Slavery or at least could have the comfort of seeing every Bishop in this land maintaining a public & stedfast opposition to this violation of every Xtian precept, in his legislative capacity – Dear Mrs. H More desires me to convey her most affectionate regards & acknowledgements, & with my Sister’s cordial respects I have the honour to remain with much esteem