To Lady Olivia Sparrow, August 1814
Dr. Whalley, Sir A. Elton our two principle neighbours are going to . How that abominable country is to make the old young, and the sick well, and the fanciful[l] [tear] contented I do not know. Poor Lady Waldgrave [sic] is ordered to spend the Winter at Nice, she is in very bad health, increased I fear by the dejection of her Spirits on Lord W's conduct*. She writes very piously wishes much that she could have the benefit and consolation of our dear Mr. Whalley's Society there, and she thinks it might patch him up for years. – But the thing is quite out of the question I think.
To Lady Olivia Sparrow, [23 March 1818]
I have delay’d answering dearest Millicents excellent letter, from a daily expectation of this final event, else what delightful matter /in her letter/ had I to write about! My dearest Lady you were Providentially sent to Nice for the purpose of converting that valuable Roman Catholic who I doubt not will be one of the many who will bless you in heaven either for temporal or spiritual benefits. The frame of mind visible in your daughter’s letter is admirable. For all our sakes, but especially for her sake, I exhort you, I beseech you take care of your health. There is yet a great deal for you to do in this world You know not to how many souls you may be the instrument of good. God has already honoured you in this /way/