
To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 27 August [1816]

In reply to your kind enquiries after the health of our now reduced party, the best answer I can make to it seems to be that at our Bible Meeting in the Village last week /we/ not only attended, but after it was over entertained above 60 Gentlemen and ladies at dinner and about 120 at tea! Think of us poor creatures doing so dashing a thing!! But without such exertions we find it will not be kept up.* The dear Bishop of Gloucester was with us to breakfast before Nine with Mrs. Ryder &c We had much good speaking, and I think in a good spirit, for there was neither acrimony nor adulation. We had twenty five Clergymen of the Establishment and but one Dissenter, so I think we at least shall not contribute much to overturn either Church or State.