
To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 13 December [1815]

I hope is quite out of the reach of alarm. Mr. Shaw M. P. for Dublin* has sent me a frightful pamphlet artfully composed by the enemy called ‘Irish History’.* I had an alarming letter from the good Archbishop of Cashell on the dangers of his, and the neighbouring Diocese; but my fears have since been calmed by others from Dr. Woodward* and the Dean of Cork.* Yet it is impossible to be quite easy, especially since that abominable deed the restoration of the Jesuits.*

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 23 April [1816]

We have lately had a visit from Mr. Wm. Parnell,* a most sensible and I believe pious Man; he seems to have taken a deep interests in the improvement of , and to be thoroughly acquainted with the existing state of things. I am expecting him again before he returns. He speaks most highly, that is more justly, of our friend Daly. I hope e’re this you have made your visit to Dublin and the Environs. I want you much to see my very interesting friends in that district. Pray my kindest remembrances to Mr. Dunn when you encounter him either by pen or person. My poor Sister Sarah we fear is far gone in a dropsy! the others poor invalids. I think I am rather the best of a bad bunch. Love to dear Millicent. I commend you to God and the word of his grace the Apostolic benediction.*