The Deanery (at Wells?)

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 27 March [1817]

I hope you will write to me sooner than I deserve. My best love to dear Millicent. The Bishop told me he was not without hope that You would spend the Passion week* at the Deanery My Sisters desire their most affectionate respects Patty is very proud of her Book,* both for the sake of the donor, and because it coincides so exactly with our own views of the Subject

To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 1826 (incomplete)

I rejoyce that my excellent friend the Bishop of Lichfield is just arrived at his Deanery at Wells, and that for a short time is once more my neighbour. is such a sad distance! I wish we had twenty four such Prelates I am sure you mourned for the Bp of Calcutta.