
To Lady Olivia Sparrow, [20? October 1816]

I hope you have seen a little poem called ‘Emigration’.* It is written by a young Clerical friend of mine, but is Anonymous. It is a Subject very important to the religious, moral, and patrio[tic] [tear] interests of this Country. The great and Opulent are flying from their own country to . They have turned their numerous Servants upon the world to beg or to rob. They injure Government by escaping the Taxes, and starve the poor for want of labour. Lord Darlington who draws £6000 a year from this Parish has never given it a guinea while we little people are drained.* I have a large School in two adjoining parishes, the inhabitants are all /poor/ Miners, not one able to give a farthing and trade is so bad they cannot sell a single bag of Ore, they are near perishing.* In the mean time our very Curates are living at . It really makes my heart Ach. I have several Correspondents on the Continent, all describe our Ladies as notoriously violating the Sabbath, this is not Mr. Marriott’s fault* The Pope himself expressed his disappointment at the character of the English ladies at Florence and the gayest Sunday assemblies are held by our Country women. Is it not making Religion a Geographical distinction to do in France or what they would not do in ? If still with you thank the Bishop for his kind letter. I greatly love and esteem Mrs. Ryder