
To Lady Olivia Sparrow, 04 August [1817]

How my heart thanks you for your considerate kindness, (under such accumulated anxieties) in remembering me and causing me so frequently to hear of your goings on. I received Mr. Hodson’s letter from Falmouth very soon after that from Miss Sparrow dated . But tho to hear of you was a great comfort to me, I lament that no account of comfort to yourself has reached me. Mr. Hodson’s report indeed of dearest Millicents Attack was a fresh source of regret and sorrow. Most heartily do I beseech our Merciful Father that the occasion of this additional affliction may be totally removed, /&/ that you may not as the Apostle says, have sorrow upon sorrow.* To the all Wise Dispenser of our sufferings as well as our blessings, I am however deeply thankful that ‘your Soul prospers and is in health.’* May the Holy Spirit the Blessed, indeed the only Substantial Comforter, continue to support, console, and strengthen you. These troubles tho not joyous but grievous, will I trust multiply upon you the peaceable fruits of Righteousness. In the mean time your health is the Object of my extreme solicitude. Be as careful of it as you can, for you have much more to do in this world. Did I mention in my last that our dear friend Lewis Way, with Mr. Marsh and two converted Jews spent a day here lately on their road to where this noble, romantic, heroic being is going on a Jewish Mission with the above named Companion* The Polish Jew had been ordained the day before by our beloved Bishop of G– the other Jew a German, the next day sent me a very pretty English Sonnet, correct and rather elegant.* Way proposes shutting up these Converts for six Months to study the Russian and other Northern languages that they may preach in those frozen climates. Mrs. Way generously consents to this Crusade. Before we parted Marsh concluded the visit with a very fine affecting prayer. May God bless them and their enterprize! The amiable Enthusiast has heard of some little /white/ stone Church in in which he has set his heart on preaching.